The Open Infectious Diseases Journal

2011, 5 : 14-20
Published online 2011 July 6. DOI: 10.2174/1874279301005010014
Publisher ID: TOIDJ-5-14

Research Priorities for HIV/M. tuberculosis Co-Infection

María Alejandra Alvarez1 , Patricia Arbelaez2 , Francisco Ignacio Bastos3 , Ben Berkhout4 , Basudev Bhattacharya5 , Gennady Bocharov6 , Valery Chereshnev7 , Paloma Cuchí8 , Martin Däumer9 , Olga Demikhova10 , Knut Feldmann11 , Luis F. García2 , Claudia Giehl12 , Akash Gulalia13 , Beate Kampmann14 , Eduard Karamov15 , Poloko Kebaabetswe16 , Mikhail Kiselev17 , Anne-Laure Knellwolf18 , Afranio L. Kritski19 , Christoph Lange20 , Cecilio López-Galíndez21 , Albert Makone22 , Anandi Martin23 , Harriet Mayanja-Kizza24 , Ruth McNerney25 , Andreas Meyerhans, *,26 , Giovanni Battista Migliori27 , Mariza G. Morgado3 , Jean Nachega28 , Bagrey Ngwira29 , Michal Odermarsky30 , Martin Ota31 , Juan Carlos Palomino23 , Gaby E. Pfyffer32 , Wolfgang Preiser33 , Viviana Ritacco1 , Jaime Robledo34 , Camilla Rodrigues35 , Horacio Salomón36 , Sofia Samper37 , Jorge Sanchez38 , Martina Sester39 , Pradeep Seth40 , Boniswa Seti41 , Igor Sidorovich42 , Rupak Singla43 , Laure Sonnier30 , Carlo Torti44 , Enrico Tortoli45 , Wim Vandevelde30 , Stefano Vella18 , Valdilea Veloso3 , Hagen von Briesen46 , Kamini Walia47 , Gerhard Walzl33 and Claire Wingfield48
1 CONICET, Argentina;
2 Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia;
3 FIOCRUZ, Brazil;
4 University of Amsterdam, AMC, The Netherlands;
5 Institute of Post-graduate Medical Education, India;
6 Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
7 Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
8 UNAIDS, Switzerland;
9 Institute of Immunology and Genetics, Germany;
10 Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russia;
11 Kuratorium Tuberkulose in der Welt e.V., Germany;
12 European Research & Project Office, Germany;
13 BPS Women University, India;
14 Imperial College London, UK;
15 D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russia;
16 BOTUSA, Botswana;
17 Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Russia;
18 Istituto Superiore di Sanitá, Italy;
19 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
20 Research Center Borstel, Germany;
21 Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain;
22 Community Working Group On Health, Zimbabwe;
23 Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium;
24 College of Health Sciences, Makerere University, Uganda;
25 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK;
26 Saarland University, Germany & ICREA and University Pompeu Fabra, Spain;
27 Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Italy;
28 Johns Hopkins University, USA;
29 Karonga Prevention Study, Malawi;
30 EATG, Belgium;
31 MRC, The Gambia;
32 Luzerne General Hospital, Switzerland;
33 Stellenbosch University, South Africa;
34 Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas, CIB-UPB, Colombia;
35 Hinduja National Hospital, India;
36 Argentinean National Reference Center for AIDS, Argentina;
37 Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (I+CS), Spain;
38 Asociacion Civil Impacta, Salud y Educacion, Peru;
39 Saarland University, Germany;
40 Seth Research Foundation, India;
41 AIDS & RIGHTS Alliance for Southern Africa, South Africa;
42 SRC Institute of Immunology, Russia;
43 L.R.S. Institute of Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases, India;
44 University of Brescia, Italy;
45 Careggi University Hospital, Italy;
46 Fraunhofer IBMT, Germany;
47 Indian Council of Medical Research, India;
48 Treatment Action Group, USA

* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Transplant and Infection Immunology, Institute of Virology, Saarland University, 66421 Homburg, Germany. Tel: 0049-6841-16-23557; Fax: 0049-6841-16- 21347; E-mail: or Infection Biology Laboratory, Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain; Tel: 0034-933-160-831; E-mail:


This document summarizes priority areas for joint research and concerted actions to counteract the public health threat of AIDS/TB as identified within the European Support Action “EUCO-Net” funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.


Research priorities, pathogenesis, HIV/M. tuberculosis co-infection, treatment, prevention, diagnostics, EUCO-Net..