The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal

2012, 5 : 42-52
Published online 2012 June 15. DOI: 10.2174/1874834101205010042
Publisher ID: TOPEJ-5-42

New Correlations for Predicting the Thermodynamic Properties of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

Liang-Biao Ouyang
Chevron Corporation, P. O. Box 5095, Bellaire, TX 77402-5095, USA.


Six new accurate and explicit correlations have been proposed in the present paper to predict the key thermodynamic properties of carbon dioxide under operational conditions anticipated for a typical carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) project – pressure = 1100 – 9000 psia (7 – 62 MPa) and temperature = 40 – 100 °C. These physical properties include entropy, enthalpy, internal energy, thermal conductivity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, and speed of sound, which all play an important role in controlling the PVT and thermodynamic behaviors of carbon dioxide associated with its flow through pipelines, wellbores, chokes, valves, and so on. The new correlations can predict carbon dioxide properties well matched to the high accuracy carbon dioxide property data available through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) web database [1].


Carbon dioxide, thermodynamic properties, supercritical condition, carbon capture and sequestration, correlation.