The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal

2015, 8 : 235-247
Published online 2015 July 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874834101508010235
Publisher ID: TOPEJ-8-235

Productivity Model for Shale Gas Reservoir with Comprehensive Consideration of Multi-mechanisms

Ya Deng , Rui Guo , Zhongyuan Tian , Cong Xiao , Haiying Han and Wenhao Tan
College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China.


Multi-stage fracturing horizontal well currently has been proved to be the most effective method to produce shale gas. This method can activate the natural fractures system defined as stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), the remaining region similarly is defined as un-stimulated reservoir volume (USRV). At present, no type curves have been developed for hydraulic fractured shale gas reservoirs in which the SRV zone has triple-porosity dual-depletion flow behavior and the USRV zone has double porosity flow behavior. In this paper, the SRV zone and USRV zone respectively are simplified as cubic triple-porosity and slab dual porosity media. We have established a new productivity model for multifractured horizontal well shale gas with Comprehensive consideration of desorption, diffusion, viscous flow, stress sensitivity and dual-depletion mechanism in matrix. The rate transient responses are inverted into real time space with stehfest numerical inversion algorithm. Type curves are plotted, and different flow regimes in shale gas reservoirs are identified. Effects of relevant parameters are analyzed as well. The whole flow period can be divided into 8 regimes: bilinear flow in SRV; pseudo elliptic flow; dual inter-porosity flow; transitional flow; linear flow in USRV; inter-porosity flow and boundary-dominated flow. The stress sensitivity basically has negative influence on the whole productivity period .The less the value of Langmuir volume and the lager the value of Langmuir pressure, the more lately the inter-porosity flow and boundary-dominated flow occurs. It in concluded that the USRV zone has positive influence on production and could not be ignored.


Desorption, diffusion, dual inter-porosity, fractured horizontal well, productivity model, shale gas, SRV, stress sensitivity, type curve.