The Open Conference Proceedings Journal

2012, 3 : 24-29
Published online 2012 June 29. DOI: 10.2174/2210289201203010024
Publisher ID: TOPROCJ-3-2-24

Fulvic Acids and Viral Infections

O. Y. Morales , J. M. Navarrete , I. Gracia , L. Macias , M. Rivera and F. Sanchez
Faculty of Chemistry, Bldg. D, UNAM, CU, Mexico City, ZC 04510, Mexico.


Fulvic acids are active principles in humic substances allowing big absorption of mineral ions from soil through vegetables. They are formed by large organic molecules having several reactive sites. Tested in mice and rats with radio-active labeled ions (45Ca2+, 32PO43-, 59Fe3+ and 131I-) in drinking water, it has been found that for even concentrations of mineral ions (μg/ml), more than double of them are filtered from stomach to blood serum when calcium and phosphate ions are escorted by fulvic acids, while iron and iodine ions are completely fixed by both blood (red cells) and thyroid gland respectively, also in larger than double proportion. This paper presents the associated effect of fulvic acids ingestion by rats and mice, substantially increasing their T (total) and G immunoglobulins (IgT, IgG) production, which explains the empirical and preliminary, yet not less spectacular results than those obtained by tests in preventing epidemic viral infec-tions in cattle and poultry, and as an effective agent in treating human viral infections such as herpes Zoster, hepatitis and HIV. As a conclusion, these scarce and partial results suggest necessity to initiate a large, and quite reliable medical pro-tocol, not available at the present time.


virus, fulvic acids, natural production.