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The Open Communication Journal - Volume 9 (2015)

Fostering Communication Skills of Language and Literacy in the Classroom : 10 [1-71]

The Open Communication Journal, Volume: 9 (2015) : 12-22 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2015]
DOI: 10.2174/1874916X01509010012
Gayla Lohfink

The Open Communication Journal, Volume: 9 (2015) : 23-33 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2015]
DOI: 10.2174/1874916X01509010023
Michelle Jennings , Kimberly D. McDowell , Jeri A. Carroll and Catherine M. Bohn-Gettler

The Open Communication Journal, Volume: 9 (2015) : 34-38 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2015]
DOI: 10.2174/1874916X01509010034
Vickie Johnston

The Open Communication Journal, Volume: 9 (2015) : 44-55 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2015]
DOI: 10.2174/1874916X01509010044
Robyn A. Ziolkowski and Kimberly D. McDowell

The Open Communication Journal, Volume: 9 (2015) : 61-64 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2015]
DOI: 10.2174/1874916X01509010061
Shirley Lefever-Davis and Cathy J. Pearman

The Open Communication Journal, Volume: 9 (2015) : 65-71 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2015]
DOI: 10.2174/1874916X01509010065
Jackie Greene and Linda C. Serro