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The Open Pharmacology Journal - Volume 7 (2013)

Evaluating Impact of High-Cost Cancer Drugs at Regional Level: The Case of Veneto (Italy) : 4 [1-25]

The Open Pharmacology Journal, Volume: 7 (2013) : 2-8 [Electronic Publication Date: April , 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874143601307010002
Simonetta Ballali , Daniele Chiffi , Marta P. Trojniak and Dario Gregori

The Open Pharmacology Journal, Volume: 7 (2013) : 9-16 [Electronic Publication Date: April , 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874143601307010009
Simonetta Ballali , Daniele Chiffi , Marta P. Trojniak and Dario Gregori

The Open Pharmacology Journal, Volume: 7 (2013) : 17-25 [Electronic Publication Date: April , 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874143601307010017
Simonetta Ballali , Daniele Chiffi , Marta P. Trojniak and Dario Gregori