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The Open Addiction Journal - Volume 2 (2009)

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 1-5 [Electronic Publication Date: February 3, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010001
Joris C. Verster , Jessica van Herwijnen , Edmund R. Volkerts and Berend Olivier

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 12-20 [Electronic Publication Date: April 28, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010012
Smita C. Banerjee and Kathryn Greene

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 21-23 [Electronic Publication Date: August 18, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010021
Itai Danovitch , Sandra Comer and Maria Sullivan

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 24-27 [Electronic Publication Date: September 16, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010024
Andrew C. Parrott , Jillian Broadbear , Raimondo Bruno , Louisa Degenhardt , Kate Morefield and Andrew B. Scholey

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 28-29 [Electronic Publication Date: October 20, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010028
Patrick Desaive , Bernard Dan and Charles Kornreich

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 30-33 [Electronic Publication Date: October 30, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010030
Rebecca McKetin , Jennifer McLaren and Erin Kelly

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 34-38 [Electronic Publication Date: October 30, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010034
Thomas Hillemacher , Julia Cramer , Annelie Hintzen , Deniz Karaglle and Stefan Bleich

The Open Addiction Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 39-47 [Electronic Publication Date: December 16, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874941000902010039
Adi Jaffe , William C. Pedersen , Dennis G. Fisher , Grace L. Reynolds , Scott L. Hershberger , Steve Reise and Peter Bentler