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The Open Applied Mathematics Journal - Volume 3 (2009)

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 14-28 [Electronic Publication Date: June 02, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200903010014
Jens Burgschweiger , Bernd Gnädig and Marc C. Steinbach

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 29-32 [Electronic Publication Date: September 04, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200903010029
G. Ovando , J. Morales , J.J. Peña , G. Ares de Parga and J.L. López-Bonilla

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 33-39 [Electronic Publication Date: September 04, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200903010033
L. Kwasniewski

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 40-44 [Electronic Publication Date: November 05, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200903010040
S. Abohadima and M.H. Taha

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 45-57 [Electronic Publication Date: November 20, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200903010045
Michail Zak

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 66-80 [Electronic Publication Date: December 24, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200903010066
M.A. El-Tawil