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The Open Thermodynamics Journal - Volume 3 (2009)

The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 1-6 [Electronic Publication Date: February 24, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010001
Masahiro Kato1 , Masaki Kokubo , Kensuke Ohashi , Atsushi Sato and Daisuke Kodama

The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 7-16 [Electronic Publication Date: April 9, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010007
A. Berche , M. C. Record and J. Rogez

The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 17-22 [Electronic Publication Date: May 6, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010017
E. Albarrán-Zavala , B. KokA. Espinoza-Elizarrarazubo and F. Angulo-Brown

The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 23-23 [Electronic Publication Date: July 23, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010023
J. C. Jones

The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 34-37 [Electronic Publication Date: September 15, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010034
Rowena Ball1 and J. C. Jones

The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 38-41 [Electronic Publication Date: November 33, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010038
Dorin Lelea , Adrian Cioabla , Ioan Laza and Liviu Mihon

The Open Thermodynamics Journal, Volume: 3 (2009) : 42-46 [Electronic Publication Date: November 20, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010042
Susanne Staude and Burak Kokubo