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The Open Nanoscience Journal - Volume 5 (2011)

The Open Nanoscience Journal, Volume: 5 (2011) : 1-10 [Electronic Publication Date: February 3, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1874140101105010001
Manuel Alberto Flores-Hidalgo , Diana Barraza-Jimenez and Daniel Glossman-Mitnik

The Open Nanoscience Journal, Volume: 5 (2011) : 11-15 [Electronic Publication Date: July 4, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1874140101105010011
Sujoy K. Guha , Vandana Chauhan and Shubhadeep Banerjee

The Open Nanoscience Journal, Volume: 5 (2011) : 78-82 [Electronic Publication Date: December 21, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1874140101105010078
Santosh V. Nalage , Sidhanath V. Bhosale and Sheshanath V. Bhosale