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Archive Journal List

ISSN Acronym Title Volume Coverage Year
1874-8376TOACOJThe Open Acoustics Journal72008 - 2014
1874-9410TOADDJThe Open Addiction Journal72008 - 2014
1874-1460TOAEJThe Open Aerospace Engineering Journal82008 - 2020
1874-8384TOALLJThe Open Allergy Journal112008 - 2020
1874-0650TOACJThe Open Analytical Chemistry Journal82007 - 2015
1877-6094TOANATJThe Open Anatomy Journal62009 - 2014
1876-827XTOANDROJThe Open Andrology Journal52009 - 2014
1874-9127TOANTHJThe Open Anthropology Journal62008 - 2013
1876-5181TOANTIMJThe Open Antimicrobial Agents Journal42009 - 2013
1874-1363TOAINFOJThe Open Applied Informatics Journal62007 - 2013
1874-9135TOALJThe Open Applied Linguistics Journal42008 - 2011
1874-1142TOAMJThe Open Applied Mathematics Journal72007 - 2013
1874-1835TOAPJThe Open Applied Physics Journal52008 - 2012
1874-9143TOARSJThe Open Area Studies Journal52008 - 2013
1876-5394TOARTHJThe Open Arthritis Journal72008 - 2014
1874-0618TOAIJThe Open Artificial Intelligence Journal62007 - 2020
1874-3811TOAAJThe Open Astronomy Journal82008 - 2015
1876-5068TOATHERTJThe Open Atherosclerosis & Thrombosis Journal52008 - 2012
1874-2823TOASCJThe Open Atmospheric Science Journal142007 - 2020
1876-8946TOAUTOJThe Open Autoimmunity Journal62009 - 2014
1874-4443TOAUTOCJThe Open Automation and Control Systems Journal112008 - 2019
1874-2300TOBSJThe Open Behavioral Science Journal92007 - 2015
1874-8473TOBCJThe Open Bioactive Compounds Journal92008 - 2020
2352-6335BIOLSCIOpen Biological Sciences Journal42015 - 2018
1876-5025TOBIOMTJThe Open Biomaterials Journal52009 - 2014
1876-5254TOBONEJThe Open Bone Journal72009 - 2015
1876-8172TOBCANJThe Open Breast Cancer Journal62009 - 2014
1874-9151TOBJThe Open Business Journal62008 - 2013
1876-4010TOCIJThe Open Cancer Immunology Journal82008 - 2020
1874-0790TOCJThe Open Cancer Journal82007 - 2015
1876-5335TOCTSJThe Open Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Journal82008 - 2015
1876-5386TOCARIJThe Open Cardiovascular Imaging Journal42009 - 2013
1876-214XTOCATJThe Open Catalysis Journal82008 - 2015
1874-0855TOCBJThe Open Cell Development & Biology Journal32008 - 2011
1876-3901TOCELLSJThe Open Cell Signaling Journal42009 - 2012
1876-3952TOCERSJThe Open Ceramic Science Journal22010 - 2013
1875-0389TOCBMJThe Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal6 2008 - 2013
1874-4125TOCPJThe Open Chemical Physics Journal52008 - 2014
1874-8422CHEMOpen Chemistry Journal82014 - 2021
1877-3826TOCVJThe Open Circulation & Vascular Journal62008 - 2013
2588-7785TOCCHEMJThe Open Clinical Biochemistry Journal92008 - 2019
1874-1894TOCCJThe Open Clinical Cancer Journal52007 - 2011
1876-8210TOCTJThe Open Clinical Trials Journal42009 - 2013
1876-5300TOCOLLSJThe Open Colloid Science Journal52008 - 2012
1876-8202TOCOLCJThe Open Colorectal Cancer Journal72008 - 2014
1874-916XTOCOMMJThe Open Communication Journal92007 - 2015
1876-391XTOALTMEDJThe Open Complementary Medicine Journal62009 - 2013
2352-6270COMPSCIOpen Computer Science Journal22014 - 2015
1874-186XTOCMPJThe Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal42008 - 2013
2210-2892TOPROCJThe Open Conference Proceedings Journal102010 - 2020
1874-8392TOCONSBJThe Open Conservation Biology Journal72007 - 2013
1876-5033TOCORRJThe Open Corrosion Journal62008 - 2014
1874-9178TOCRIJThe Open Criminology Journal82008 - 2015
1874-8287TOCCMJThe Open Critical Care Medicine Journal72008 - 2014
1874-8465TOCRYJThe Open Crystallography Journal62008 - 2013
2213-9885CCGTMCurrent Chemical Genomics and Translational Medicine122008 - 2018
1874-110XTOCSJThe Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal122007 - 2018
1874-9186TODEMOJThe Open Demography Journal62008 - 2013
1874-1266TODDJThe Open Drug Delivery Journal52007 - 2014
1877-3818TODDISJThe Open Drug Discovery Journal32009 - 2014
1874-0731TODMJThe Open Drug Metabolism Journal52007 - 2011
1876-5211TODRJThe Open Drug Resistance Journal12011 - 2011
1876-8180TODSJThe Open Drug Safety Journal42010 - 2013
2352-6300EMJOpen Economics and Management Journal22015 - 2017
1874-9194TOECONSJThe Open Economics Journal62008 - 2013
1874-9208TOEDUJThe Open Education Journal72008 - 2014
1874-1290TOEEJThe Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal132007 - 2019
1876-505XTOELECJThe Open Electrochemistry Journal62009 - 2015
1876-5424TOEMJThe Open Emergency Medicine Journal52008 - 2013
1874-2165TOEJThe Open Endocrinology Journal72007 - 2014
2352-6289ENGOpen Engineering Sciences Journal12014 - 2014
1874-4079TOENTOJThe Open Entomology Journal92007 - 2015
1875-0400TOEBMJThe Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal62008 - 2014
1874-8295TOENVIEJThe Open Environmental Engineering Journal72008 - 2014
1876-3979TOEPTJThe Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal42009 - 2013
1876-3251TOENVIRJOpen Environmental Sciences102007 - 2018
1874-9402TOEIJThe Open Enzyme Inhibition Journal52008 - 2020
1874-2971TOEPIJThe Open Epidemiology Journal92008 - 2020
1875-0443JEBPJournal of Epithelial Biology & Pharmacology62008 - 2013
1875-9343TOERGJThe Ergonomics Open Journal112008 - 2018
2352-6327ETHICSOpen Ethics and Law Journal12015 - 2015
1874-7612TOJThe Open Ethics Journal72007 - 2013
1874-4044TOEVOLJThe Open Evolution Journal72007 - 2013
1874-9224TOFAMSJThe Open Family Studies Journal122008 - 2020
1874-401XTOFISHSJThe Open Fish Science Journal122008 - 2019
1874-2564TOFSJThe Open Food Science Journal132007 - 2021
1874-4028TOFORSJThe Open Forensic Science Journal72008 - 2014
1874-3986TOFSCIJThe Open Forest Science Journal72008 - 2014
1875-9327TOFCJThe Open Fuel Cells Journal62008 - 2013
1876-973XTOEFJThe Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal112008 - 2018
1874-2599TOGASJThe Open Gastroenterology Journal72007 - 2013
1875-0370TOGTJThe Open Gene Therapy Journal52008 - 2013
1874-0766TOGMJThe Open General & Internal Medicine Journal62007 - 2014
1875-693XTOGENJThe Open Genomics Journal62008 - 2013
1874-9232TOGEOGJThe Open Geography Journal72008 - 2015
1874-2629TOGEOJThe Open Geology Journal92007 - 2015
1874-8279TOGERIMJThe Open Geriatric Medicine Journal72008 - 2014
1875-3981TOGLYJOpen Glycoscience52008 - 2012
1874-9240TOHSPJThe Open Health Services and Policy Journal42008 - 2011
1876-5351TOHFJOpen Heart Failure Journal32008 - 2010
1874-2769TOHJThe Open Hematology Journal72007 - 2019
1876-5173TOHEPATJThe Open Hepatology Journal32009 - 2011
1874-8406TOHORTJThe Open Horticulture Journal72008 - 2014
1874-3781TOHYDJThe Open Hydrology Journal92007 - 2015
1876-5262TOHYPERJThe Open Hypertension Journal122008 - 2020
1874-2262TOIJThe Open Immunology Journal102008 - 2020
1874-1525TOIMEJThe Open Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Journal52008 - 2012
1875-0419TOINFJThe Open Inflammation Journal92008 - 2021
1874-947XTOISCIJThe Open Information Science Journal32008 - 2011
1874-1339TOISJThe Open Information Systems Journal62007 - 2013
1874-0987TOICJThe Open Inorganic Chemistry Journal32007 - 2009
1874-950XTOLAWJThe Open Law Journal52008 - 2013
1876-8164TOLEUKEMIAJThe Open Leukemia Journal52008 - 2013
1652-8034JLRJournal of Lightning Research62009 - 2014
1876-326XTOLSJOpen Longevity Science72007 - 2013
1876-8199TOLCJThe Open Lung Cancer Journal42008 - 2011
1874-3439TOMACROJThe Open Macromolecules Journal72007 - 2014
1874-7698TOMRJThe Open Magnetic Resonance Journal32008 - 2010
1874-9488TOMANAJThe Open Management Journal52008 - 2014
1874-4508TOMBJThe Open Marine Biology Journal92007 - 2015
1874-088XTOMSJThe Open Materials Science Journal132007 - 2019
1874-1177TOMATJThe Open Mathematics Journal82008 - 2015
2666-1489TOSPJThe Open Mathematics, Statistics and Probability Journal 102009 - 2020
1874-155XTOMEJThe Open Mechanical Engineering Journal142007 - 2020
1874-1584TOMECHJThe Open Mechanics Journal72007 - 2013
1875-1814TOMDJThe Open Medical Devices Journal72009 - 2019
1876-519X TOMEDEDUJThe Open Medical Education Journal72008 - 2014
1874-3471TOMIJThe Open Medical Imaging Journal122007 - 2020
1874-4311TOMINFOJThe Open Medical Informatics Journal132007 - 2019
1874-8414TOMPJThe Open Mineral Processing Journal82008 - 2015
1874-4567TOMJThe Open Mineralogy Journal52007 - 2011
1874-4370TOMYCJThe Open Mycology Journal82007 - 2014
2666-1500TONMJThe Open Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Journal62008 - 2020
1874-1401TONANOJThe Open Nanoscience Journal82007 - 2014
2352-6297NANOTECHOpen Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Journal1 - 2014
1874-8481TONPJThe Open Natural Products Journal82008 - 2015
1876-5289TONEUROEJThe Open Neuroendocrinology Journal52008 - 2014
1876-5238TONEUROPPJThe Open Neuropsychopharmacology Journal52008 - 2014
1874-0820TONEURJThe Open Neuroscience Journal82007 - 2014
1876-5297TONEUROSJThe Open Neurosurgery Journal72008 - 2015
1875-0427TONOJThe Open Nitric Oxide Journal42008 - 2014
1874-415XTONPPJThe Open Nuclear & Particle Physics Journal62008 - 2014
1876-388XTONMEDJThe Open Nuclear Medicine Journal62009 - 2014
1876-3898TONUMJThe Open Numerical Methods Journal42009 - 2014
1876-3960TONUTRAJThe Open Nutraceuticals Journal82008 - 2015
1874-2882TONUTRJThe Open Nutrition Journal152007 - 2021
1876-8237TOOBESJThe Open Obesity Journal92009 - 2020
1876-2166TOOHSJThe Open Occupational Health & Safety Journal52009 - 2014
1874-835XTOOEJThe Open Ocean Engineering Journal62008 - 2013
1874-2521TOOCEAJThe Open Oceanography Journal82007 - 2015
1874-2432TOORJThe Open Operational Research Journal72007 - 2014
1874-3285TOOPTSJThe Open Optics Journal92007 - 2015
1874-0952TOOCJThe Open Organic Chemistry Journal92007 - 2015
1874-4532TOOENIJThe Open Ornithology Journal132008 - 2020
1874-4281TOOTORJThe Open Otorhinolaryngology Journal82007 - 2015
1876-536XTOPETJThe Open Pacing, Electrophysiology & Therapy Journal52008 - 2014
1874-4257TOPALOJThe Open Paleontology Journal52008 - 2014
1874-3757TOPATJThe Open Pathology Journal82007 - 2014
1874-3099TOPEDJThe Open Pediatric Medicine Journal102007 - 2020
1874-8341TOPEJThe Open Petroleum Engineering Journal122008 - 2019
2210-2906TOPHARMCJPharmaceutical Crops62010 - 2017
1874-8449PHARMSCIOpen Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal62014 - 2019
1876-8245TOPHARMEJThe Open Pharmacoeconomics & Health Economics Journal72009 - 2019
1874-1436TOPHARMJThe Open Pharmacology Journal102007 - 2020
1874-0677TOPCJThe Open Physical Chemistry Journal62007 - 2014
1874-8430PHYOpen Physics Journal52014 - 2019
1874-3609TOPHYJThe Open Physiology Journal52008 - 2014
1874-2947TOPSJThe Open Plant Science Journal112007 - 2019
1876-5343TOPPJThe Open Plasma Physics Journal82008 - 2015
1874-9496TOPOLISJThe Open Political Science Journal82008 - 2015
1875-1806TOCPCJThe Open Process Chemistry Journal62008 - 2014
1876-8229TOPCANJThe Open Prostate Cancer Journal82008 - 2015
1875-0397TOPROTJThe Open Proteomics Journal72008 - 2014
1874-3544TOPJThe Open Psychiatry Journal92007 - 2015
1877-6108RPTCSRecent Patents on Corrosion Science22009 - 2010
1876-9764TOPRSJOpen Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery42008 - 2018
1874-9437TOREHJThe Open Rehabilitation Journal82008 - 2015
1875-4139TORMSJThe Open Remote Sensing Journal62008 - 2015
1876-3871TOREJThe Open Renewable Energy Journal82008 - 2015
1874-2556TORSJThe Open Reproductive Science Journal72008 - 2015
1876-8253TOSIGPJThe Open Signal Processing Journal72008 - 2020
1874-6209TOSLPJThe Open Sleep Journal82008 - 2015
1874-9453TOSSCIJThe Open Social Science Journal72008 - 2015
1874-9461TOSOCIJThe Open Sociology Journal32008 - 2014
1874-107XTOSEJThe Open Software Engineering Journal72007 - 2014
1874-3838TOSPECJThe Open Spectroscopy Journal92007 - 2015
1876-5327TOSPINEJThe Open Spine Journal62009 - 2014
1874-3870TOSMJThe Open Sports Medicine Journal92007 - 2015
1876-8938TOSCJThe Open Stem Cell Journal62009 - 2020
1874-1991TOSBJThe Open Structural Biology Journal52007 - 2014
1876-5378TOSUPERJThe Open Superconductors Journal42009 - 2014
1876-5319TOSURSJThe Open Surface Science Journal62009 - 2015
1874-3005TOSJThe Open Surgery Journal92007 - 2015
1876-5041TOSOJThe Open Surgical Oncology Journal52009 - 2014
1876-3928TOSYSBJThe Open Systems Biology Journal52008 - 2014
1876-5203TOTEXTILEJThe Open Textile Journal62008 - 2014
1874-396XTOTHERJThe Open Thermodynamics Journal72007 - 2013
1875-0435TOTERMJThe Open Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Journal62008 - 2013
1874-3404TOTOXIJThe Open Toxicology Journal72007 - 2021
1875-4147TOTNJThe Open Toxinology Journal52008 - 2014
1876-3995TOTRANSMJThe Open Translational Medicine Journal32009 - 2014
1874-4184TOTRANSJThe Open Transplantation Journal82007 - 2015
1877-7295TOTPJThe Open Transport Phenomena Journal52009 - 2014
1874-3153TOTMJThe Open Tropical Medicine Journal72008 - 2014
2352-6319OUSDJOpen Urban Studies and Demography Journal42015 - 2018
1874-9429TOUSJThe Open Urban Studies Journal62008 - 2014
1875-0354TOVACJThe Open Vaccine Journal62008 - 2014
1567-2700VDPVascular Disease Prevention72009 - 2013
1874-3188TOVSJThe Open Veterinary Science Journal92007 - 2015
1874-3579TOVJThe Open Virology Journal152007 - 2021
1875-323XTOVRJThe Open Virtual Reality Journal32009 - 2014
1876-4002TOWMJThe Open Waste Management Journal132008 - 2020
1874-2912TOWHJThe Open Women's Health Journal62007 - 2014
1874-3366TOZJThe Open Zoology Journal62008 - 2014